
Getting Started with NestJS - Part 1

If you have been programming in Node JS, you might have noticed it becomes unmaintainable over time. Barebones Node JS is almost never the choice for a production app. Even using libraries like

Let's Learn A Programming Language (APL) - Part 2

It's time for more APL! In Part 1 [https://blog.abhattacharyea.dev/lets-learn-a-programming-language-apl/], we took an elementary overview of what APL is and how to do basic arithmetic in it. Today

Mastering declarations in C - Part 1

This blog post is adapted from Expert C Programming - Deep C Secrets by Peter Van Der Linden If you've written C programs before you're already familiar with declarations

What Exactly does ++a + ++a do in C?

This question was (and still is) one of the most favourite question of our professors - int a = 5; int b = ++a + ++a; /* What will be the value of a? */ And its variants